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000296_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Aug 8 07:59:37 1994.msg
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Date: Mon, 8 Aug 94 08:52:39 EDT
Message-Id: <9408081252.AA27950@ capitol.com>
From: "Paul Davies" <capitol!davies@uunet.uu.net>
To: capitol!uunet!netcom.com!lightwave-l@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Re: View Tracking?
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
----- David Gilinsky wrote:
> > I'm in the middle of a lengthy character animation sequence, here,
> > and I find myself wishing I could lock the non-camera views on an object,
> > so that the object of choice would always be in the center of the view.
----- stuff deleted
> > placement from camera POV is critical and the camera motion is complex.
> > If I've missed something obvious, please release me from the shackles of
> > ignorance.;)
----- John Gross replied:
> Nope, not much you can do here. That would be a handy feature. Perhaps
> Allen can add a way to track in the flat views or he could add the
> ability to have more than one camera and you could just have another
> camera following it on the side.
----- And I write:
If your character is made up of seperate parented objects you could make the
camera a child of the object you wish to view. If on the other hand your
character is a single object and you're moving it with bones I'm afraid my
solution is far more painful. If the bone in question is not parented to any
other bone you could save it's motion and use it on a null object. Then parent
the camera to the null object and find a good viewing angle. The null object
will follow the bone and the camera will move with the null object.
It would also be nice, especially for character animation, if you could display
two or more views simultaneously in the layout. Since you are animating in three
dimensions it is often helpful to see at least 2 without having to toggle.
Paul Davies
davies@capitol.com or uunet!capitol!davies